My child will participate in the following meal plan (circle applicable meals and snacks) breakfast; lunch; afternoon snack;
2. Before any medication is dispensed to my child, I will provide a written authorization, which includes; date, name of child, name of medication, prescription number, if any; dosage; date and time of day medication is to be given. Medicine will be in the original container with my child’s name marked on it.
3. My child will not be allowed to enter or leave the facility without being escorted by the parent(s), person authorized by parent(s), or facility personnel.
4. I acknowledge it is my responsibility to keep my child’s records current to reflect any significant changes as they occur, e.g. telephone numbers, work location, emergency contacts, child’s physician, child’s health status, infant feeding plans and immunization records, etc
5.The facility agrees to keep me informed of any incidents, including illnesses, injuries, adverse reactions to medication, exposure to communicable diseases, which include my child. Children with contagious illnesses are not allowed to attend the center. Should my child become ill during operating hours, has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, is vomiting or has a loose stool, I will be contacted to pick your child up. I further understand that my child will not be allowed to return until he/she is symptom free for 24 hours, or has a physicians’ notice to return to day care.
6. The facility agrees to obtain written authorization from me before my child participates in field trips, special activities away from the facility, and water-related activities occurring in water that is more than two (2) feet deep.
7. I have received a copy and agree to abide by the policies and procedures for ENRICHMENT STATION CHILD CARE AND LEARNING CENTER I understand that failure to so may result is termination of my child(ren)’s enrollment.I agree to provide Enrichment station Child Care & Learning Center two (2) weeks written notice prior to termination of enrollment. I understand that failure to do so will result in my account being billed the full two week’s tuition, for which I agree to pay.
Thanks for submitting! We will get in touch shortly